Patients may call the clinic and leave a message for their doctor with the reception team if necessary. The doctor or a nurse will return the call as soon as possible but if they are seeing patients when you call, they may need to call you back at a later time, usually between 1pm and 2pm or at the end of the day. The reception team will inform you if your doctor is away or unavailable and can organise an alternative with you.
Addendum: With the introduction of Telehealth, if patients would like to speak to their doctor, a phone appointment may be most appropriate and can be made by reception. Medicare rebates are available if you have been seen face to face within the last 12 months. Standard consultation fees may apply.
Due to confidentiality, we do not encourage communication by email. Emails that are sent to the clinic may not be responded to. Patients will receive an automated message in return, informing that a reply will be received within 4 business days. We encourage patients to book an appointment with their doctor for all matters relating to their healthcare needs.
We send all patients who are booked with a doctor and have provided a mobile telephone number an SMS appointment reminder on the day before your appointment. Please advise our reception staff if you do not wish to have SMS appointment reminders sent to you.
'IMPORTANT': This facsimile transmission contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, some or all of which may be protected health information as defined by federal laws. This transmission is intended for the exclusive use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient (or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this facsimile transmission to the intended recipient), you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of this information is strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal restriction of sanction. Please notify Balnarring Medical Centre by telephone 03 5983 1355 to arrange the return or destruction of the information and all copies.
Communication by fax is generally only between a doctor and another healthcare provider.